Title Loans Grafton
Have you even considered getting a title loan? Maybe you passed on the idea because you weren’t sure if it was a legitimate loan or thought it wasn’t right for you personally. Well, title loans in Grafton are legitimate and a great way to get through a financial rough patch. They are the right type of loan for anyone looking to get money quickly, easily and conveniently.
Just like other types of funding offered by a financial institution, title loans are bound by rules and guidelines. They are secure loans, meaning they are collateral-based. Applicants must use a vehicle that they own, and their name must be on the registration document. It must be paid off and lien-free. Cars, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles can be used, as long as the lender agrees, and the vehicle has value. When the applicant is approved for title loans in Grafton, they hand over their vehicle title before getting the money. When the loan is repaid, the title is returned. To qualify for title loans in Grafton, applicants need to be at least 18 and have a source of income.
Applications for Title Loans Grafton
Start you application by clicking through the options to choose the make, model and year of your vehicle. Type in the mileage, your name and some contact information, and click submit. You will get a loan estimate pretty quickly after that, and then a Midwest Title Lender associate will call you for a chat about the loan. Several things will be discussed, such as what type of income you have to repay the loan and dates to make loan payments. You car’s condition will also need to be checked out. We will talk about and may do a quick inspection so we can make sure that it is assigned an accurate value. The value is what we base our final loan amount on, so we need to be as accurate as possible. Later, when all the loan details are worked out, you turn in your title, sign your loan agreement, and the money is yours for the taking.
Legal Information
Maximum allowed loan amounts are $25,000 in Wisconsin, but the max amount for each individual borrower is one half the value of their vehicle. If a borrower changes their mind about a title loan, they have one business day after accepting the loan to return the money without incurring a penalty.
Lenders must show borrowers a written account of their repayment total, including all fees and charges in addition to the loan. Lenders must give borrowers 20 days notice before taking their vehicle for a delinquent account.
Title loans are also known as fast money loans, and that name is self-explanatory. When you start the application, you are finished with it before you know it because it only asks for basic information about you and your vehicle. When you talk to a Midwest Title Lender agent about the loan, that only takes a short time, and pretty soon, you have your money in hand.
No credit check could be the best news of all, especially if you have missed a few payments in the past. Perhaps you have a bankruptcy on your record and find it nearly impossible to get credit. Well, worry no more, because without that dreaded credit check standing in your way, you can get title loans Midwest.
Title loans in Milwaukee are to help you improve your financial situation, and if that happens sooner than planned, you can pay off your title loans without a penalty. On the other hand, if you see that more time is needed to stabilize your finances, and you need more time to repay Midwest Title Lender, just let us know. We can help. Your loan can be renewed or altered in a way that makes repaying it work for both you and us.