Title Loans Alton, IL
Seems like something is always coming up or breaking down, which keeps you from getting ahead financially. If you have ever thought you could get ahead if you could just get a little extra cash, then good news. A way out is right at your fingertips with an online application for title loans Alton. It’s quick, easy and usually approved in a day or so.
Title loans in the Midwest are given when a person uses the equity in their car or truck to secure a loan. With security, Midwest Title Lender does not need to perform a credit check, giving applicants for title loans Illinois a much better chance of being approved for a loan.
Title Loans Alton Eligibility Requirements
- Be age 18 or over
- Own a vehicle to use as loan security. The vehicle must be lien-free.
- Have a source of income
Midwest Title Lender has a no-hassle online application that you can finish in mere minutes. Just tell us what kind of car you have and how many miles are on it, and give us your name and contact details. Click submit, and get a car title loan quote. Then, you get a call from a loan assistant, and the two of you will discuss how you plan to pay the loan back, when you will make payments and the final loan amount. This amount is based on the value of your vehicle, so more details about its condition will need to be discussed. After everything is finalized, you give us the title and we give you the money you want.
Illinois Legal Info
Illinois has laws in place to protect both borrowers and lenders. The industry is regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, which requires all title lenders to be licensed. The agency also produces a debt management brochure that offers information about consumer rights and responsibilities, which they require title lenders to give to each loan client. Lenders must also give loan clients an accurate statement of interest charges and fees the borrower will pay. Lenders may not require borrowers to make balloon payments.
Borrowers can potentially get up to $4,000 in loan money. The amount is dependent on their income. The amount of monthly loan payments may not be more than one half of the borrower’s monthly salary.
Loan Benefits
- Fast payouts are why title loans are sometimes called fast money loans. With title loans in Alton, just apply, go through the process and collect your cash. The whole thing happens in the same day most times. Now, if you tried to do that for a bank loan, it would take significantly longer, and you might not be approved. Why go through that when you can get a title loan? Most are approved and it’s super fast.
- No credit check means everyone has the same chance of being approved for title loans in Belleville and Alton. With your vehicle as collateral, your history of paying bills, or not pay them, is not important.
- Pay off early or pay a little later. When you choose to pay off your car title loan early, there is no penalty. If you need to pay later, talk to us about the issues you’re having. A
- Midwest Title Lender representative can work with you to formulate a plan that makes payments more affordable.
- Title loan interest rates are competitive, especially compared to other short-term lending, which often has higher rates than those of a title loan.
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